McKinley StratOMatic Replays

Stats (Leaders) - All-Time

All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 65 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Small undc1
Dave Concepcion
1. Dave Concepcion .270
2. George Foster .250
3. Pete Rose .197
4. Johnny Bench .143
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Small undc1
Joe Morgan
1. Joe Morgan 9
2. Cesar Geronimo 9
3. George Foster 8
4. Ken Griffey 7
5. Pete Rose 6
Double Plays Hit Into DP
Small undc1
Ray Knight
1. Ray Knight 3
2. Johnny Bench 2
3. Joe Morgan 2
4. Ken Griffey 2
5. Cesar Geronimo 1
On-Base Percentage OBP
Small undc1
George Foster
1. George Foster .358
2. Dave Concepcion .300
3. Pete Rose .264
4. Johnny Bench .206
Slugging Percentage SLG
Small undc1
George Foster
1. George Foster .446
2. Pete Rose .318
3. Johnny Bench .317
4. Dave Concepcion .317
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Small undc1
George Foster
1. George Foster .805
2. Dave Concepcion .617
3. Pete Rose .582
4. Johnny Bench .523
Bases on Balls to Strikeouts Ratio BB/SO
Small undc1
Pete Rose
1. Pete Rose 1.50
2. George Foster 0.53
3. Dave Concepcion 0.31
4. Johnny Bench 0.28
Note: A minimum of 25 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
Small undc1
Bill Bonham
1. Bill Bonham 2.52
2. Tom C Seaver 3.24
Innings Pitched IP
Small undc1
Tom C Seaver
1. Tom C Seaver 33.1
2. Bill Bonham 25.0
3. Fred Norman 24.0
4. Paul Moskau 18.2
5. Doug Bair 16.2
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Small undc1
Tom C Seaver
1. Tom C Seaver 15
2. Fred Norman 12
3. Manny Sarmiento 6
4. Paul Moskau 6
5. Doug Bair 5
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Small undc1
Bill Bonham
1. Bill Bonham 1.08
2. Tom C Seaver 1.29
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
Small undc1
Tom C Seaver
1. Tom C Seaver 7.56
2. Bill Bonham 8.64
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
Small undc1
Bill Bonham
1. Bill Bonham 5.00
2. Tom C Seaver 2.07
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
Small undc1
Tom C Seaver
1. Tom C Seaver 8.37
2. Bill Bonham 5.40
Note: A minimum of 60 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Fielding Percentage FPCT
Small undc1
Johnny Bench
1. Johnny Bench 1.000
2. Joe Morgan 1.000
3. Pete Rose .987
4. Dave Concepcion .945
Total Chances TC
Small undc1
Pete Rose
1. Pete Rose 155
2. Johnny Bench 128
3. Dave Concepcion 91
4. Joe Morgan 67
5. Ken Griffey 31