McKinley StratOMatic Replays

Stats (Leaders)

All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 31.0 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
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Carlton Fisk
1. Carlton Fisk .342
2. Jim Rice .289
3. Jerry Remy .286
4. George Scott .286
5. Dwight Evans .270
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
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Jerry Remy
1. Jerry Remy 2
2. Carlton Fisk 1
3. Rick Burleson 1
4. Butch Hobson 1
5. Fred Lynn 0
On-Base Percentage OBP
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George Scott
1. George Scott .429
2. Jim Rice .357
3. Carlton Fisk .350
4. Jerry Remy .311
5. Dwight Evans .308
Slugging Percentage SLG
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Carlton Fisk
1. Carlton Fisk .579
2. Jim Rice .526
3. Jerry Remy .476
4. George Scott .464
5. Carl Yastrzemski .432
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
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Carlton Fisk
1. Carlton Fisk .929
2. George Scott .893
3. Jim Rice .883
4. Jerry Remy .787
5. Carl Yastrzemski .707
Bases on Balls to Strikeouts Ratio BB/SO
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Jim Rice
1. Jim Rice 2.00
2. George Scott 1.00
3. Jerry Remy 0.67
4. Carl Yastrzemski 0.60
5. Butch Hobson 0.33
Note: A minimum of 3 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
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Dick Drago
1. Dick Drago 2.08
2. Luis Tiant 2.14
3. Mike Torrez 2.87
4. Bill Lee 3.07
5. Dennis Eckersley 4.63
Innings Pitched IP
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Dennis Eckersley
1. Dennis Eckersley 23.1
2. Luis Tiant 21.0
3. Mike Torrez 15.2
4. Bill Lee 14.2
5. Bob Stanley 5.2
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
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Dick Drago
1. Dick Drago 0.69
2. Luis Tiant 0.90
3. Mike Torrez 0.96
4. Dennis Eckersley 1.20
5. Bill Lee 1.23
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
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Luis Tiant
1. Luis Tiant 5.14
2. Dick Drago 6.23
3. Mike Torrez 7.47
4. Dennis Eckersley 8.49
5. Bill Lee 10.43
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
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Mike Torrez
1. Mike Torrez 5.50
2. Bill Lee 5.00
3. Dennis Eckersley 2.17
4. Luis Tiant 1.14
5. Bob Stanley 0.40
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
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Mike Torrez
1. Mike Torrez 6.32
2. Dennis Eckersley 5.01
3. Luis Tiant 3.43
4. Bob Stanley 3.18
5. Bill Lee 3.07
Note: A minimum of 30 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Fielding Percentage FPCT
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Carlton Fisk
1. Carlton Fisk 1.000
2. Jerry Remy 1.000
3. George Scott .989
4. Rick Burleson .978
5. Fred Lynn .968