McKinley StratOMatic Replays

Stats (Leaders)

All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 21.7 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
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Jim Wynn
1. Jim Wynn .318
2. Tommy Helms .308
3. Lee May .250
4. Cesar Cedeno .241
5. Bobby Watson .240
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
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Jim Wynn
1. Jim Wynn 7
2. Bobby Watson 6
3. Lee May 6
4. Cesar Cedeno 4
5. Doug Rader 3
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
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Doug Rader
1. Doug Rader 1
2. Don Wilson 1
3. Roger Metzger 0
4. Johnny Edwards 0
5. Ken Forsch 0
Left on Base LOB
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Jim Wynn
1. Jim Wynn 9
2. Lee May 9
3. Bobby Watson 8
4. Tommy Helms 8
5. Doug Rader 7
Double Plays Hit Into DP
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Lee May
1. Lee May 3
2. Larry Howard 1
3. Jim Wynn 1
4. Johnny Edwards 1
5. Roger Metzger 0
On-Base Percentage OBP
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Jim Wynn
1. Jim Wynn .500
2. Lee May .400
3. Bobby Watson .387
4. Tommy Helms .333
5. Doug Rader .333
Slugging Percentage SLG
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Jim Wynn
1. Jim Wynn .636
2. Tommy Helms .423
3. Lee May .375
4. Bobby Watson .360
5. Cesar Cedeno .310
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
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Jim Wynn
1. Jim Wynn 1.136
2. Lee May .775
3. Tommy Helms .756
4. Bobby Watson .747
5. Cesar Cedeno .644
Bases on Balls to Strikeouts Ratio BB/SO
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Jim Wynn
1. Jim Wynn 3.50
2. Bobby Watson 2.00
3. Lee May 0.86
4. Cesar Cedeno 0.80
5. Tommy Helms 0.50
Note: A minimum of 3 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
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Jerry Reuss
1. Jerry Reuss 0.75
2. Don Wilson 2.12
3. Larry Dierker 5.62
4. Ken Forsch 6.75
5. George Culver 10.39
Innings Pitched IP
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Don Wilson
1. Don Wilson 17.0
2. Ken Forsch 16.0
3. Jerry Reuss 12.0
4. Larry Dierker 8.0
5. George Culver 4.1
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
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George Culver
1. George Culver 7
2. Jim Ray 5
3. Jerry Reuss 4
4. Ken Forsch 2
5. Larry Dierker 2
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
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Don Wilson
1. Don Wilson 0.94
2. Jerry Reuss 1.00
3. Ken Forsch 1.25
4. Larry Dierker 1.62
5. George Culver 3.23
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
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Jerry Reuss
1. Jerry Reuss 6.00
2. Don Wilson 7.41
3. Ken Forsch 10.12
4. Larry Dierker 12.38
5. George Culver 14.54
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
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Don Wilson
1. Don Wilson 6.50
2. Ken Forsch 6.00
3. Larry Dierker 2.00
4. Jerry Reuss 1.50
5. George Culver 0.29
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
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Don Wilson
1. Don Wilson 6.88
2. Ken Forsch 6.75
3. Larry Dierker 4.50
4. Jerry Reuss 4.50
5. George Culver 4.15
Note: A minimum of 7 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Fielding Percentage FPCT
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Cesar Cedeno
1. Cesar Cedeno 1.000
2. Bobby Watson 1.000
3. Doug Rader 1.000
4. Johnny Edwards 1.000
5. Lee May 1.000